“Discover the Secrets of Time: How Archaeologists Brought a 2,000-Year-Old Egyptian Temple Back to Life!”

"Discover the Secrets of Time: How Archaeologists Brought a 2,000-Year-Old Egyptian Temple Back to Life!"

In some places, buildings and shacks were casually built against the temple’s walls. In others, the structure can be seen protruding from the ground — under a mountain of rubble. This is still observable in countless postcards from the 1800s and 1900s before Sauneron pushed for its excavation.

Esna Temple Ceiling

University of TübingenThe ceiling depicts the night sky and contains the original ancient Egyptian names of constellations — which have never been documented before.

The temple’s famous ceiling depicts a night sky with inscriptions detailing spiritual and religious beliefs. The high priests who operated from within the temple also made sure to have their contemporary cosmological ideas expressed upon its walls, which is where the constellation names have been discovered.

The staggering restoration work has ultimately returned the site to its original appearance, for the first time in 2,000 years. For Egyptologists like Leitz and von Recklinghausen, the successful endeavor has allowed them and their peers to research this niche of ancient history from an entirely new perspective.

After learning about the 2,000-year-old inscriptions uncovered on the walls of an ancient Egyptian temple, read about 44 Ancient Egypt facts that separate myth from truth. Then, learn about the real reason so many Egyptian statues have broken noses.

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