“Discover the Surprising Traits that Make Milana Vayntrub, AT&T’s Lily, an Unforgettable Favorite Among Fans!”
Now, Milana is giving back. During an interview, she said, “my favorite thing that I’ve done is just pay them back because they invested in us. It’s my karmic duty to help them because we’ve been helped so much.”
Helping Other People Is Second Nature
She might be an actress, but Milana is all about helping people. Being a refugee as a young kid has made her very open to other people’s hardships. Even when she’s on vacation, she does what she can to help those in need.
In fact, while vacationing in Greece in 2016, Milana decided to fly to Lesbos, an island where many Syrian refugees were camped. During her time there, she helped families travel to registration camps.
#Can’tDoNothing Was Formed
After her trip to Greece, Milana found herself back in the United States with an urge to help the refugees stuck on the island. So, she founded the social media movement “Can’t Do Nothing.”
The concept behind the movement was to educate the public on the European migrant crisis. She listed websites where people could donate money and share their voices regarding the issues happening in Syria and other parts of the world.