“Discover the Surprising Traits that Make Milana Vayntrub, AT&T’s Lily, an Unforgettable Favorite Among Fans!”

"Discover the Surprising Traits that Make Milana Vayntrub, AT&T's Lily, an Unforgettable Favorite Among Fans!"

Even so, she has a lot to be thankful for. Lily has helped bring her name to new heights in the industry, after all!


Technically, Her First TV Appearance Was In Italy



Milana’s first IMDb credit might read ER, but technically speaking, her first time on television was while she was a refugee in Italy. At the age of two, she and her parents were interviewed by a news outlet.


During the interview, they were asked where they were going. When asked by the reporter, a very cute Milana answered, “America.” Little did the young girl know, but that wasn’t going to be her last time in front of a camera.


Her Father Helped Her Find Her Advocacy Niche





With her family’s history, it’s no wonder Milana got very close to her parents growing up, especially her father. It was actually during a trip to Greece with her father that she found something she felt truly passionate about and want to take the time to advocate for: the refugee crisis.


During the trip, she learned first-hand about the Syrian refugee crisis and wasted no time volunteering on the island of Lesbos.


A Boy Made Her Do It



Milana went on to study at the University of California, San Diego, but before that, she dropped out of high school and earned her GED. When asked about her choice to drop out, Milana’s answer is simple: “I wanted to be an artist.”


Of course, not everything is what it seems, and she actually had another reason for leaving high school. According to the actress, her then-boyfriend persuaded her to drop out! Thankfully, she didn’t like high school that much anyway.

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