“Discover the Surprising Traits that Make Milana Vayntrub, AT&T’s Lily, an Unforgettable Favorite Among Fans!”

"Discover the Surprising Traits that Make Milana Vayntrub, AT&T's Lily, an Unforgettable Favorite Among Fans!"

She Does Stand-Up Comedy In Her Spare Time


Milana and her family arrived in Los Angeles, California, in August of 1989. With the help of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, both of her parents found work. But it wasn’t easy. Milana was only two at the time, and her mom was working two jobs and going to school to become a registered nurse.


Her father was also working as a donut deliveryman, something she couldn’t complain about too much since he brought home donuts at the end of his shifts!


Milana Still Had A Great Childhood





Even though life in America was tiresome, with her parents working nonstop, Milana still had a great upbringing. Because her parents wanted her to live out the American Dream, they made sure they had enough money to send her away to summer camps, attend gymnastics lessons, and even go to private school.


Milana even got into acting from a young age, getting into some Mattel Barbie commercials. But this was mostly because her family needed some more income.


As A Kid, She Was Embarrassed Over A Beach Towel



Milana might look like a confident woman on television, but she wasn’t always standing in front of a camera. In fact, when she was younger, she was very self-conscious of people knowing she wasn’t from America, especially when it came to a silly beach towel.


While all of her friends had Disney towels, she had an orange and white striped one. To her, it was “a smoke signal alerting all potential friends that I was NOT. FROM. HERE.”

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