“Discover the Surprising Traits that Make Milana Vayntrub, AT&T’s Lily, an Unforgettable Favorite Among Fans!”
On social media, Milana bosted of her sister, saying, “My little sister graduated! Glad she finally got a hat to cover her enormous brain.”
Social Media Is Her Platform To Advocate For Refugees
With many causes close to her heart, Milana has taken her celebrity status and used it to further her favorite causes on social media. One of the topics she is very open about discussing is better treatment and care for refugees coming into the country, as she and her family were once refugees.
Her openness and kind heart haven’t gone unnoticed. AT&T has said, “Milana’s passion for her cause is absolutely remarkable. We respect Milana’s personal interests outside of her role in our ads.”
Lily “Appeared” On Family Guy

As a comedian herself, Milana was very excited when her AT&T character wound up in an episode of Family Guy. A fan of the show, her celebrity status reached new heights with the cameo appearance.
Well, it wasn’t a cameo, per se. It was more of “Lily from AT&T” being written on a list on Peter and Lois’s refrigerator. The sketch was of the two characters talking about good-looking characters they’ve seen in commercials.
Roommates Enemies Was A Stepping Stone

Before people got to know her as Lily Adams, Milana was in three episodes of Roommates Enemies, playing the role of Denise. This was good for the young actress, as she was still trying to get her foot into the entertainment industry in more long-term projects.