“Discover the Surprising Traits that Make Milana Vayntrub, AT&T’s Lily, an Unforgettable Favorite Among Fans!”
Still, it was helping her pay the bills, and the role was great stepping stones to bigger and better things right around the corner, such as a pivotal role in AT&T’s newest campaign.
She Was The Definition Of A Working Actress
At the start of her career, Milana wasn’t a big name by any stretch of the imagination. She was what could be considered the textbook definition of a working actress, hopping to one project after the other and not exactly receiving the biggest paychecks for her time and effort.
Still, she was paying her dues and waiting for that one role to come around and give her the big break she’d been waiting for.
She Had A Two-Episode Role On Silicon Valley

While she did appear in Days of Our Lives and ER when she was a kid, it took a few years before Milana appeared in another award-winning series. In 2016, Milana landed a two-episode role as the character Tara in the HBO series Silicon Valley.
Her brand of comedy meshed perfectly with the other characters in the show, making her a welcome addition, even if it was for a very short amount of time.
This Is Us Gained Milana A Lot Of Attention
From 2016-2017, Milana gained the attention of a ton of people, even those who didn’t know her as Lily from AT&T. She appeared in eight episodes of the multi-Emmy Award-winning series This is Us.