“Discover the Work Memes That Perfectly Capture Your 9-to-5 Struggles—50 Hilarious Picks You Can’t Resist!”

"Discover the Work Memes That Perfectly Capture Your 9-to-5 Struggles—50 Hilarious Picks You Can't Resist!"



It can be hard to differentiate between work and personal life. Say, Pandas, how many of you have had to answer a work email well past your work hours? Balancing work and personal life can be even harder when you’re working from home, and the popularity of remote work hasn’t yet subsided since the pandemic. In 2023, 35% of employed Americans did some or all of their work from home.

Creating boundaries between work and personal life can be a challenge, but, when there’s will, there’s a way. Trauma and relationship therapist Ioana Rotaru distinguishes two types of boundaries we should be setting if we want a better work-life balance. The first are practical and behavioral boundaries, and the other ones are emotional and psychological.


Practical and behavioral boundaries, as Rotaru explains, include solutions like creating a designated workspace at home and avoiding working in the bedroom, as it interferes with sleep.

Some other behavioral boundaries might be turning off notifications after work hours are over, answering emails, and even deciding to end work at a certain time. To have a better work-life balance, we can also learn time-management skills, how to delegate tasks, engage in hobbies or other fun activities.


Emotional and psychological boundaries, Rotaru says, demand us to reflect deeper. One might ask themselves questions such as: “Why am I even allowing work to spill into the personal?” or “Am I over-identifying with work achievements or failures?” Some people might also wonder whether they’re taking on too much responsibility for what’s happening at work. 

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