“Divided Family: Sister’s Shocking Christmas Exclusion Sparks Outrage Among Netizens!”

"Divided Family: Sister's Shocking Christmas Exclusion Sparks Outrage Among Netizens!"

This made the woman start defending herself, explaining how difficult her sister was ever since her teen years and into adulthood

The OP is one of three siblings. A few years ago, she and her elder brother hosted Christmas for their family. Basically, they took the hosting wheel over from their parents, who had been doing it for decades, even though their health is decently good. 

Last year, as the author put it, her sister also “invited herself” to these parties for a 5-day stay. During it, her kids, one 5 months old and the other 2 years old, were fussy and tired everyone out. For instance, the OP’s mom’s friends reported the woman cancelled her engagements for a couple of days after the stay with the family. 


The reasons why kids are fussy can be numerous, from lack of sleep, hunger to frustration. The OP didn’t specify any of them, just wrote that they were fractious without any more context.

Now, this year, the sister told her family she wants to come again, but her siblings think it’s unfair, as she would not only cause a commotion, but would occupy a space too. Sounds a bit harsh, doesn’t it? Well, the thing is that neither the OP’s, nor her brother’s places are big enough to host all the family members. 

The parents aren’t against their daughter coming to a family party at their place. The woman is a single mom and accepting her is a nice and even helpful thing to do.

Plus, her place is way too small to host a party at all. Yet, don’t think she’s living poorly – the reason for her place’s size is because she lives in an expensive part of London. For a better understanding of the prices, currently the average annual rent in this city costs £26,316. Not cheap, is it? 

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