“Divided Family: Sister’s Shocking Christmas Exclusion Sparks Outrage Among Netizens!”

"Divided Family: Sister's Shocking Christmas Exclusion Sparks Outrage Among Netizens!"

So, while the parents are okay with hosting a party with their daughter and her kids attending, their other kids aren’t okay with it. They want to convince them to change their decision, as in their opinion, this situation is too demanding of them. 


Image credits: Kaboompics.com / Pexels (not the actual photo)

When netizens brought up that it seems like the OP and her brother are campaigning against their sister for no reason, the author provided some more context. 

She went on and on about how her sister is a difficult person to deal with, who sometimes throws tantrums, gets in fights with basically everyone in her life, and so on.

At some point, the author and her mother have even researched autism and personality disorders hoping to get some “explanation” for the woman’s actions. While their intentions of researching what could be troubling her might be well-intended, taking it upon themselves to “diagnose” her isn’t.

After all, they aren’t mental health professionals who can diagnose anyone; they’re simply people who Googled symptoms and tried applying them to a person they know. Therefore, it’s possible that while they deemed some symptoms applicable to their family member, an expert would have a different opinion. 


In addition to all that, some netizens pointed out that maybe the story from the OP’s sister’s point of view might sound different. For instance, the author describes her sister as having a happy childhood, but maybe her difficulties in keeping up relationships with other people would signify something else. 

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