“Do You Love These Foods? They Might Vanish Forever—Find Out Why!”

I don’t know if you’re aware, but it takes 72 gallons of water to make one pound of avocados. If you’re wondering how much that is, it’s about two medium-sized avocados. That’s like, one slice of avocado toast.
72 gallons of water is the same amount of water that’s used in four average showers. Not only that, but 80% of avocados are grown in California, which is currently in a drought. Yikes.

If you have a peanut allergy, you’re probably very excited about this. Some say that they might be extinct by 2030, so I guess it’s good and bad news. They’re considered high maintenance plants because they require five months of warm weather.
They also need a combined 20-40 inches of rain. Too little rain and the pods won’t germinate, too much and they will mold making the peanuts inedible, which isn’t good.
Maple Syrup

Similar to peanuts, maple syrup requires quite the process to get made. They’re produced from sugar maple trees and require a very specific and stable weather condition that our changing climate can’t offer.
Maple syrup production has been greatly affected by global warming. The trees need freezing in the winter and warm spring days to produce the sap. The drought conditions and increasing temperatures aren’t ideal by any stretch of the imagination.