This shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise, but honey might be gone very shortly. As the bee population is continuing to decline, so is the production of honey.
The population of bees has decreased by more than 40% within the last decade all because of the Honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder. Sure, we might hate the buzzing of bees, but they’re a vital part of our ecosystem and we really need them.
This is scary to realize. We’re eating chocolate faster than it can be made. Yes, this is not a joke. Last year, the world ate 70,000 metric tons more cocoa than was produced. By 2020, experts say that the number could skyrocket to 1 million more tons.
West Africa produces 70% of the world’s cocoa and is seeing rising temperatures and less water. The cocoa plants are getting fungal diseases because of it.
Italian Durum Wheat
Grab your Nonna, and let her cry on your shoulder. Yet again, warmer temperatures are negatively impacting the growth of durum wheat, especially in Italy. If you don’t recognize the word Durum, you might recognize it as pasta wheat or macaroni wheat. It’s the second most cultivated species of wheat in the world.
It is predicted that wheat yields will start declining by 2020 and may be completely gone by the end of our lifetimes.
Oh no, hide your wine-loving mom from this knowledge. She might go on a little binge drinking streak thinking that wine is going to be extinct very shortly.
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