If you’re a fan of the baked apple pies that McDonald’s sells, you know that they’re actually pretty good and don’t taste too fast food-y. But, you’ll be grossed out to know that before they made baked pies, they made then fried.
Yes, fried apple pies. If that doesn’t gross you out than I don’t know what will. Okay, just kidding, they’re not that bad. But, they did get discontinued because people found them gnarly and I don’t disagree.
Burger King Chicken Fries
I bet you’ll be shocked to find out that Burger King’s chicken fries were discontinued in 2012. Yes, banned from their menu. Gone, boom, bang. They were replaced by some lacklustre chicken strips that no one cared for.
So, the chicken fries were recently resurrected due to popular demand. If you’re going to cancel one of the most popular items on your menu, at least replace it with something unique.
Crispy M&Ms
Yes, this was an actual thing. Crispy M&Ms were actually a thing that existed. Apparently they were supposed to be crunchy, but have the same taste as the originals.
They were discontinued in 2005, but are still available in some European countries. I guess it’s a good idea? I don’t know, though, the best part of M&Ms is that they melt in your mouth, so I can see why people would not want the crispies.