“Dreaming of a Daughter: This Couple’s Shocking Surprise Takes Their Family Plans in an Unexpected Direction!”
A Long-Awaited Arrival And A Harrowing Surprise
Fortunately, none of those crises arose for Becki-Jo’s triplets. The triplets went home safely with their parents after six weeks in intensive care. Becki-Jo and Liam had busied themselves setting up the triplets’ room and stocking up on baby products to welcome their new children.
The couple falsely assumed that the surprises were over. The first night back from intensive care, Becki-Jo panicked when Roman momentarily stopped breathing. However, this was a one-time ordeal, and the triplets have stayed healthy ever since.
Something Is Off
Once the couple started taking care of the boys, they kept getting stopped on the street by people noticing how similar they looked. Becki-Jo swabbed the inside of the babies’ cheeks and sent it to a lab for a DNA test. Were two of the triplets identical, or were all three fraternal?
Appearing similar is typical for triplets. Most triplets are fraternal, meaning they stem from three separate eggs. Sometimes, one of the two eggs will split, making two of the triplets look more alike than the third. Even so, the parents and family struggled to tell the three boys apart.