“Dreaming of a Daughter: This Couple’s Shocking Surprise Takes Their Family Plans in an Unexpected Direction!”
Identical Triplets
All three boys had come from one egg! The single egg split into three separate eggs, meaning these triplets are all identical. Initially, the doctors had told Becki-Jo that the triplets were not monozygotic. Their assumption turned out to be wrong.
Even the doctors felt so taken aback that they had to double-check their work. Multiple sources estimate the chance of having identical triplets to be anywhere from one in 60,000 to one in 200 million. The chance that Becki-Jo would have this happen was almost nonexistent.
Once-In-A-Lifetime Spectacle
Becki-Jo’s triplets are a once-in-a-lifetime spectacle. Multiple births, where the mother gives birth to more than one baby, occurs one in 67 times. Even then, most multiple births are dizygotic, meaning the babies form from two separate eggs.
In the case of Becki-Jo’s triplets, one egg split into two, and then the second part broke again. The chance of one egg separating into two is one in 250, and this happened twice with Becki-Jo’s babies. This birth is so incredibly rare that most of us likely won’t see it happen again.
Almost Exactly Alike!
Identical triplets share the exact same DNA. That means that Rocco, Rohan, and Roman share the same blood type, hair color, and eye color. Interestingly, some traits will differ between the twins — they’ll each have different teeth marks and fingerprints, for example.