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The Netflix movie Tall Girl reinforces this, with the main character Jodi being taunted by daily comments such as “How’s the weather up there?”
Fuller also noted that some tall women tend to internalize their height through interactions with both other people and their environment. “These interactions can begin from a young age, and can affect how tall women perceive themselves to the point where their height becomes a minor bodily stigma, or, a feature which is perceived negatively,” she wrote.
Fuller points out the fact that tall girls aren’t always treated the same as tall boys, noting that some girls are prescribed hormones to prevent them growing too tall. But above-average height is seen as an acceptable trait for boys.
A separate 2005 research paper notes that “treatment with synthetic oestrogens to reduce adult height has been available for tall girls since the 1950s.”
“The tall women in my study learned to negotiate and avoid their height in situations that caused them discomfort, yet eventually accepted their height as a part of their identity after overcoming adversity in their childhood and youth,” wrote Fuller.
She believes more research should be done on the experiences of tall women. “This is important because tall women are often assumed to be happy and satisfied with their height, while their feelings and experiences are ignored in favor of the overarching narrative of beneficial tallness.”