“Employee’s Silent Struggle Sparks Unfolding Karma: You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!”

"Employee's Silent Struggle Sparks Unfolding Karma: You Won't Believe What Happens Next!"

The employee said while revenge was sweet, it hasn’t helped improve the outlook of their career. “The only option for me is to learn what I can and try not to de-rail my career any further,” they said. “To top my misery off, all the low-performers are being dumped into this project with my client, so yeah not a bright future for me.”


It turns out the employee is relatively new in their career, and only entered the workforce 2 years ago. Up until now, they’d been eager to learn and succeed, and had been a little too. naive. “The rose-tinted glasses welded into my skull came off today and I finally feel like an adult, having seen how I am not immune to getting f*cked over by people I trusted,” they told Bored Panda.

The entire situation has had a massive impact on the employee’s career and mental space. “A substantial part of me is mad that I couldn’t play a more active role in my revenge and honestly craves more of my boss’s suffering, but I’m not strong enough to fight my good-natured will to bring about the vengeance I truly deserve,” they said.

“I genuinely was hurt that day and cried a lot at home. I guess the silver lining is I may not be working for him for long with how things are going.”

Favoritism can have a negative impact on employees and the company at large

Ever been in a position where there’s a blue-eyed boy or girl at work who can do no wrong? They get preferential treatment and better opportunities, while others get the scraps.


Research shows that favoritism in the workplace is rife. One study found that 56% of managers knew who they wanted to promote even before the formal review process began. 96% of the time, that employee landed the top job.

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