“Every Christmas, a Heartbreaking Tradition: One Man’s Actions Push His Wife to the Brink of Divorce”

"Every Christmas, a Heartbreaking Tradition: One Man's Actions Push His Wife to the Brink of Divorce"

She shared an update later


Image credits: ThrowRA_Xmasblues

The husband does have some traits associated with autism

Some of the behaviors the husband exhibits do resemble common symptoms of autism, namely, a resistance to change and wanting to repeat certain actions. There are a lot of stubborn people out there, but folks with autism tend to feel and exhibit actual distress if they have to modify a common habit, like taking a new route to school or changing their diet. The mention of certain vegetables as part of Christmas dinner is quite telling here.

Similarly, people with autism tend to also enjoy repeated behaviors, in a very literal sense. Often these can be small things, like fidgeting or rocking in place, but it’s possible to see how the husband’s very particular ideas about different parts of celebrating Christmas could fall under this category.

However, it’s also worth adding that even if he does have autism, this isn’t an excuse to be totally uncompromising about this. His wife states that she started dreading Christmas each year, this should not be a feeling you cause your spouse to feel. It’s not like he hasn’t communicated this, she describes bringing it up on multiple occasions to no avail. It’s not at all strange to feel unhappy if your partner continues to do something you don’t like.


Ignoring your partner’s wishes over and over again is selfish

Image credit: RDNE Stock project / pexels (not the actual photo)

This highlights just how important compromise is in a relationship. Certainly, if someone feels like their entire relationship is just one compromise after another, it seems like it’s not a particularly successful relationship. Everyone has certain lines they will not cross, but this seems like an exceedingly strange hill to die on for the husband.

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