“Ex-Model Mom’s Brutal Truth About Beauty Shatters Daughter’s Confidence: The Shocking Response That Follows!”

"Ex-Model Mom's Brutal Truth About Beauty Shatters Daughter’s Confidence: The Shocking Response That Follows!"

It can be incredibly hurtful to realize that the people close to you can’t stop ignoring your boundaries

Image credits: syda_productions (not the actual image)

A young woman opened up about how her mom keeps making fun of her appearance and weight. She finally had enough


Image credits: Curated Lifestyle (not the actual image)


Image credits: peoplecreations (not the actual image)


Image credits: hngstrm (not the actual image)

Image credits: Academic_Bear5911 

Fat shaming can be harmful to your physical and mental health. It is not a good way to convince someone to change

Let’s be clear: fat shaming is wrong, affects people in negative ways, and is unproductive if you want your loved ones to embrace a healthier lifestyle. Making constant negative comments about someone’s appearance is low-key bullying.

It’s even worse when a person you look up to says things that gnaw away at your confidence. You need to remind them of your boundaries. If they continue to ignore them, there need to be consequences. For instance, a natural consequence for someone constantly throwing insults your way would be for you to spend far less time around the person or to ignore them entirely until they change their behavior.

Presenters at the Canadian Obesity Summit held in 2019 said that fat shaming is harmful to health and can actually drive weight gain. Angela Alberga, an assistant professor in the department of health, kinesiology, and applied physiology at Concordia University said that anti-fat bias is rampant in all parts of society, including in medicine.

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