“Expensive Blunders: The Surprising Costs Behind Hollywood’s Biggest Filming Fiascos!”

"Expensive Blunders: The Surprising Costs Behind Hollywood's Biggest Filming Fiascos!"

A Controlled Explosion Gone Wrong



The Avengers


While most people know The Avengers from the superhero comic books and film series, those aren’t the only ones in popular culture. The Avengers was also a 1960s British spy TV series which was adapted into a film starring Ralph Fiennes and Uma Thurman. The film, however, turned out to be a complete bomb, failing to please critics or do well at the box office.


On top of its failure, disaster struck on set when filming for a controlled explosion. Rogue sparks landed on the roof of one of their studios, setting it on fire and causing around $1.6 million in damages.


Don’t Break Things That Aren’t In The Script



Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica was originally a 1970s television show. However, it received a makeover in the early 2000s along with a bigger budget. In the 2007 episode “Maelstrom,” there’s a scene when Admiral Adama, played by James Olmos, is working on a beautiful model ship.


He is then overcome in a fit of rage and grief and destroys the model, something that wasn’t in the script. Little did he know that the model was a museum piece that was loaned to the production company. He later admitted in 2012 that he would have never destroyed the ship if he had known it was worth $200,000.


Burt Reynolds Couldn’t Get It Together



Smokey And The Bandit II


Burt Reynolds’ performance was incredibly successful in the original Smokey and the Bandit film. Since the film was so well-received, it was a no-brainer that they would make a second one. Unfortunately, things didn’t go as smoothly while filming the sequel and Reynolds couldn’t seem to get any of his lines right.

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