“Exploring the Forgotten: What This Urban Adventurer Discovered in a Haunted Abandoned Building Will Leave You Speechless!”

Have you ever strolled past an abandoned building and thought, “I should definitely check that out?” It seems to be a universal itch we all have. A few years back, a curious Reddit user did just that when he ventured into a puzzling, deserted structure adjoining his town hall. Little did he know, he was about to uncover a treasure trove of bizarre surprises lurking behind those dilapidated doors!

As it turns out, this once-active building had taken a complete nosedive into eerie solitude, and an exploration was long overdue. Imagine stepping into a place that blends a dance hall, a jail, and even a swimming pool? Yes, that’s right! Unraveling what was once an everyday echo of life, he stumbled upon layers of history that could only have been crafted by intricately twisted minds. The deeper he explored, the more he realized this wasn’t your average abandoned site—it was an experience of the strange… and perhaps a touch of the sinister!

Strap in, because this journey into the unknown is about to get wild!

When you run across a creepy, abandoned building, it’s hard not to take a peek inside. (It may actually be physically impossible.) A few years back, this Reddit user explored a strange abandoned building that was attached to his town hall. He never, in a million years, could have guessed what was inside.

This building, attached to the town hall, was completely abandoned and had been for years. It was time to explore.

This building, attached to the town hall, was completely abandoned and had been for years. It was time to explore.

Reddit / ODzyns

Underneath a hall that was used for dancing and theater was a row of jail cells.

Underneath a hall that was used for dancing and theater was a row of jail cells.

Reddit / ODzyns

The doors were heavy and old, and the rooms each had a concrete bed and table inside.

The doors were heavy and old, and the rooms each had a concrete bed and table inside.

Reddit / ODzyns

The cells apparently had lots of visitors before.

The cells apparently had lots of visitors before.

Reddit / ODzyns

(There was graffiti everywhere.)

(There was graffiti everywhere.)

Reddit / ODzyns

This carving seemed to have been made by an inmate staying inside.

This carving seemed to have been made by an inmate staying inside.

Reddit / ODzyns

He must have had a lot of time on his hands.

He must have had a lot of time on his hands.

Reddit / ODzyns

Down we go…

Down we go...

Reddit / ODzyns

It got pitch dark pretty quickly.

It got pitch dark pretty quickly.

Reddit / ODzyns

In order to find the light switch, he used his camera’s flash. He immediately freaked out, thinking he was surrounded by people standing in the dark.

In order to find the light switch, he used his camera's flash. He immediately freaked out, thinking he was surrounded by people standing in the dark.

Reddit / ODzyns

The building was full of twist, turns and the most random objects.

The building was full of twist, turns and the most random objects.

Reddit / ODzyns

Like scattered shopping carts and chairs.

Like scattered shopping carts and chairs.

Reddit / ODzyns

Motors, fans and assorted machinery.

Motors, fans and assorted machinery.

Reddit / ODzyns

The weirdest part, though, was when they were walking up a set of stairs… and came across this swimming pool.

The weirdest part, though, was when they were walking up a set of stairs... and came across this swimming pool.

Reddit / ODzyns

A swimming pool attached to a jail, offices and a town hall.

A swimming pool attached to a jail, offices and a town hall.

Reddit / ODzyns

At night, with the help of some lighting, it looked even creepier.

At night, with the help of some lighting, it looked even creepier.

Reddit / ODzyns

The building was like a demented funhouse, with each room containing something stranger than the one before.

The building was like a demented funhouse, with each room containing something stranger than the one before.

Reddit / ODzyns

Like this one, for instance, covered in moss underneath a skylight.

Like this one, for instance, covered in moss underneath a skylight.

Reddit / ODzyns

Or some of the offices, literally packed with old technology.

Or some of the offices, literally packed with old technology.

Reddit / ODzyns

Reddit / ODzyns

Reddit / ODzyns

Reddit / ODzyns

Reddit / ODzyns

Reddit / ODzyns

And whatever this was.

And whatever this was.

Reddit / ODzyns

Reddit / ODzyns

Reddit / ODzyns

A creepy, abandoned building wouldn’t be complete without its own sauna.

A creepy, abandoned building wouldn't be complete without its own sauna.

Reddit / ODzyns

As they ventured further underground, they kept finding different kinds of rooms. This one had blueprints stacked everywhere.

As they ventured further underground, they kept finding different kinds of rooms. This one had blueprints stacked everywhere.

Reddit / ODzyns

It seemed to be a machine shop of some sort.

It seemed to be a machine shop of some sort.

Reddit / ODzyns

Reddit / ODzyns

Reddit / ODzyns

Reddit / ODzyns

Reddit / ODzyns

After seeing this, it would be time for me to go. As in, run.

After seeing this, it would be time for me to go. As in, run.

Reddit / ODzyns

Reddit / ODzyns

Reddit / ODzyns

Don’t worry, there was ALSO a laundry with industrial sized washers and driers.

Don't worry, there was ALSO a laundry with industrial sized washers and driers.

Reddit / ODzyns

And, for some reason, an unreasonable amount of chairs.

And, for some reason, an unreasonable amount of chairs.

Reddit / ODzyns

The creepiest part of this building wasn’t the fact that it was abandoned. It was the design and layout, which was apparently planned by someone who was legitimately insane. “A pool, jail house, garage, machine shop and theater? All together? Why not.”

The building is known as the Bruce Street Baths and Swimming Pool, located in Scotland. It used to be a public bath house, which was common at one point in history, but who knows why there were isolation cells attached to it…

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