“Family Betrayal: Mother Takes Bold Stand After Heartbreaking Incident Leaves Her Son in Tears”

“Family Betrayal: Mother Takes Bold Stand After Heartbreaking Incident Leaves Her Son in Tears”

A father shared an unpleasant experience concerning his gay teenage son


Image credits: Annie Spratt / unsplash (not the actual photo)

As it turned out, his clueless parents made some homophobic remarks


Image credits: Phillip Goldsberry / unsplash (not the actual photo)

He threw his parents out of his home, causing massive family drama


Image credits: Odd-Square-4505

Many LGBTQ individuals unfortunately experience emotional abuse at a young age

In today’s society, a global divide on homosexuality continues to persist. According to a Pew Research survey in 2020, there are still eight countries in the world where more than 50% of the population believes homosexuality should not be accepted. 

With the continued existence of such views, members of the LGBTQ community unfortunately continue to suffer some form of abuse. According to a 2022 paper published in the Journal of American Medical Association Psychiatry, 83% of LGBTQ individuals have experienced at least one adverse experience as a child. 

These experiences typically include emotional abuse and affect mental health, especially if it comes from a parent. As licensed psychotherapist and Gay Therapy Center founder Adam Blum told HuffPost, humans have a built-in need for safe attachment to their caregivers. 

In the story’s case, the grandparents may have been oblivious about the son’s identity, but their homophobic remarks were hurtful, nonetheless. 

Older people tend to hold more prejudiced views, likely due to misinformation and failing to outgrow outdated views. However, their families are under no obligation to educate them. As Washington, DC-based psychologist Dr. Brad Brenner advises, leave it to the professionals. 

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