“Family of Missing Hawaiian Teen Takes Matters Into Their Own Hands: FBI Steps In Amid Threats and Police Frustration”

"Family of Missing Hawaiian Teen Takes Matters Into Their Own Hands: FBI Steps In Amid Threats and Police Frustration"

She continued in a statement: “These alleged findings have yet to be relayed to my mother and I directly from the Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department or any detective involved in Hannah’s case.

“Specific facts contained in that report were inaccurate, such as Hannah’s age. Hannah is 30 years old, not 23. Also, Hannah was reported missing to law enforcement on November 11th, not November 13th, as stated by the chief of the Los Angeles Police Department.”




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family of missing hannah kobayashi shut down facebook page after death threats hawaii news now
Source: HAWAII NEWS NOWHannah’s family bashed the Los Angeles police chief, Jim McDonnell, for his ‘lack of communication’.

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Sydni said: “The lack of communication surrounding some important details has left us feeling excluded from potentially crucial developments. However, we do remain hopeful and optimistic that the Los Angeles Police Department is doing everything in their power to assist us in locating Hannah.

“I don’t want to bash the LAPD. I don’t want to discredit them if they are doing what they are doing. But at this time, it makes us very confused as to where they are at.”

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Early last month, Hannah took a flight from Maui to Los Angeles International Airport with her ex-boyfriend, who bought tickets for the couple before they split.

On November 8, Hannah was spotted on security camera leaving a plane at the airport at 10pm. While her ex made the connecting flight to New York City at 11pm, Hannah did not.

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