“Family Tensions Explode: Daughter Questions Her Morality After Refusing to Help Pay Rent for Dad’s Ex and Brother”

"Family Tensions Explode: Daughter Questions Her Morality After Refusing to Help Pay Rent for Dad's Ex and Brother"

Bored Panda has reached out to the author for comment, and we’ll update the article as soon as we hear back from her.

It can feel incredibly uncomfortable when someone in your social circle starts pressuring you financially

Image credits: zoranzeremski/Envato (not the actual photo)

One woman asked the internet for advice after sharing how her father’s ex-wife tried to manipulate her into paying for her rent



Image credits: YuriArcursPeopleimages/Envato (not the actual photo)


Image credits: Professional-Cry1342

If the person asking you for help is an adult, you have to remember that they’re responsible for their financial decisions

Image credits: Towfiqu barbhuiya/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Headspace states that everyone should remember that they’re not responsible for other people’s financial choices.

“No matter what, keep in mind that you’re not obligated to rescue your loved ones from poor decisions. In some cases, saying no may help them develop better financial habits. This may be far more valuable than cash in the long run.”

Furthermore, it’s vital that you meet your own financial needs. You should not sacrifice your own stability just to be charitable.

“There’s no shame in admitting that your bank account isn’t big enough for you to work without pay, give out loans, or take a pricey trip right now,” Headspace argues.


“When a loved one asks you to spend or loan money on their behalf, consider your own financial goals and needs, including your ability to pay your bills, save for college and retirement, and maintain habits that sustain your mind, body, and spirit. If you aren’t meeting your own needs, you may end up needing help yourself.”

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