“Family’s Adorable New Puppy Turns Out to Be a Stunning Surprise—What They Discovered Will Leave You Speechless!”

"Family's Adorable New Puppy Turns Out to Be a Stunning Surprise—What They Discovered Will Leave You Speechless!"

Su Yun Was Fearful



Mastiff in a cage


By the time Little Black was two years old, Su Yun had become afraid of him. Even though he was living outside due to his size, he made her feel incredibly uneasy. By this time, Su Yun could barely even get Little Black on a leash to go for a walk.


Concerned for her family, Su Yun took to the Internet to try and learn more about the dog she had adopted, convinced that she didn’t have an ordinary pet.


Learning The Truth



Black bear sleeping


After investigating Little Black’s abnormally sized teeth, weight, and his ability to stand on its hind legs, Su Yun was shocked by what she learned. She discovered that what she thought was supposed to be a Tibetan Mastiff was something else entirely.


It turns out that the adorable puppy she had adopted was actually a black bear! Stunned, she didn’t know what to do with this information, but she knew she had to do something to protect her family.


Not An Ordinary Black Bear



Two Himalayan Bears


Upon further research, Su Yun learned that the bear they once thought was a dog wasn’t just any ordinary black bear. Little Black was actually an Asiatic Black Bear which is also frequently called a Tibetan Bear or a Himalayan Bear.


This specific breed of bear is known to only grow to a medium size, which is why the family assumed it was a dog for so long. But still, these bears can reach 440 pounds and stand over six feet tall!

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