“Forbidden Fun: 42 Surprising Everyday Items You Can’t Legally Own in Your State!”

"Forbidden Fun: 42 Surprising Everyday Items You Can't Legally Own in Your State!"


donkey_loves_dragons , Tim Gouw Report



I’m in the USA (Indiana to be exact) and throwing stars were illegal until around a year ago. Open carry is fine, but none of that ninja business.

BigBiggity Report

Most countries have at least a few glaring irregularities in their legal systems. The more you learn about them, the more flaws and inconsistencies you can spot. Some mistakes come down to human error. Others are the byproduct of ancient traditions and anachronistic mores that no longer fit the spirit of the age. While others still are left to be ignored because changing them would not be worth all the trouble.

Overhauling a country’s entire legal system to be consistent, logical, fair and also reflective of the norms and mores of today’s society would be a monumental task. Then factor in the fact that social norms shift and change over time and you realize that you have to constantly update your laws. Realistically, some bizarre (il)legalities will fall between the cracks. And then you’re back where you started, wondering why it’s illegal to own something basic.

People Shared 42 Absolutely Normal Things They Can’t Own Because It’s Illegal Where They Live Buying knives if you’re under 18 in Scotland.

Sounds legit and reasonable, except that you can vote, get married, have babies and leave home when you’re 16.

Had to “break the law” to buy someone some kitchen knives and scissors last week because they couldn’t cook anything without them!!

badmother , Blend Archive Report


People Shared 42 Absolutely Normal Things They Can’t Own Because It’s Illegal Where They Live A copy of the original Romeo and Juliet. [Because of] suggestive language. 400 words got changed for school copies. New Mexico, USA

r1niceboy , Sema Nur Report

What are the most peculiar laws that you know that are still in effect in your home country, dear Pandas? Are they still relevant or does everyone ignore them?

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