“From A-List to Averted Eyes: The Shocking Downfall of 74 Celebrities No One Can Stand Anymore!”

"From A-List to Averted Eyes: The Shocking Downfall of 74 Celebrities No One Can Stand Anymore!"

toxicleopard Report


See Also on Bored Panda

Kat von D. I looked up to her so much as a kid and early teenager. She’s just gross. Dates gross people. Doesn’t believe in vaccines. Ugh.

persiika Report

Emma Roberts. I love American Horror Story. But I have such a beef with her after she beat up her ex boyfriend. I just hate all abusers, but nobody talks about it enough.

AwareFaithlessness39 Report

John Cena after apologising to China for calling Taiwan a country. I like him in the Peacemaker and he seems like a decent guy, but my god that apology was cringe and spineless.

Shifisu Report

74 Celebrities That Messed Up So Badly That Barely Anyone Respects Them Anymore O.J. Simpson

He was so clearly phoning in his performance in The Naked Gun 33 1/3, and didn’t do Nordberg justice. I was so put off that I completely stopped following his career after that.

ZDarFan , iMDb Report


See Also on Bored Panda

Kevin Hart. Quit cheating on your wives, dude.

anon Report

F****n Jared Leto. As a kid he was great in 30 seconds to mars, like goddamn what a voice. Then I found out he could act when I saw requiem for a dream. Now he’s a cringe fest at best.

brucatlas1 Report

Vin Diesel. My dad’s close friend used to work for a filming company and they worked on Fast and Furious 9. He said that out of all of the people he have worked with Vin Diesel is the worst. Very unfriendly and at one point something minor (can’t remember the exact thing) happened that made Vin Diesel so mad he just went home. It took letters and emails from the corporate side to get him to finish filming. On the other hand Vin Diesel’s stunt double was one of the best people my dad’s friend has worked with. He was very co-operative.

Edit: The only reason my dad’s friend doesn’t work for the company anymore is due to covid.

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