“From A-List to Averted Eyes: The Shocking Downfall of 74 Celebrities No One Can Stand Anymore!”

"From A-List to Averted Eyes: The Shocking Downfall of 74 Celebrities No One Can Stand Anymore!"

Edit: everyone has bad days but this was my only interaction I have with Zach ever. He lost my respect based on that one incident as I have lost respect from my peers in the past based on one mistake. Life goes on and if your so mad about my respect for Zach, maybe you should just go outside and smell the flowers…

i_am_trippin_balls Report


I used to be a huge Demi Lovato fan (see username). I mean HUGE. But it seems like they continue down the same path of self destruction. It goes – releases new album – claims they are sober – mid era they will either relapse or something happens – they get help – new music again – talks about how they’ve changed and are better. It’s an endless cycle. I think if they disappeared from the industry, I would respect them more. They still likely have millions and can retire quietly to never work again. Demi surrounds themselves around yes men. Also Demi is an a*****e (google demi lovato froyo) and thinks the world revolves around them.

anon Report

Travis Scott, as an avid rap fan i never liked him much in the first place, but after seeing him do the robot while children get trampled, well, yeah that tiny bit of respect he got from me from dropping a catchy hit is gone.

ArcaneUnbound Report


Billy Corgan. The Smashing Pumpkins was one if my all time favorites but god… he is such a douchebag.

Underance Report

At 13 I thought Onision was alright. HAHAHAHA god was I wrong. I’ve lost all respect for him and more.

Anonymbu Report

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