“From A-List to Averted Eyes: The Shocking Downfall of 74 Celebrities No One Can Stand Anymore!”

"From A-List to Averted Eyes: The Shocking Downfall of 74 Celebrities No One Can Stand Anymore!"

“Imagine no possessions” they sing while sitting in their billion dollar mansions. Meanwhile the rest of us are losing our jobs.

HazyHills , Good Morning America Report

Tom Cruise is the first that comes to mind cause of his affliation with Sciencetology. Come one guys the reason why he is making bank with the Mission Impossible movies is cause he in big dept with that cult.

ShieldMaiden83 Report


Oprah. She did a special once on the Holocaust but made it all about her. It was very distasteful. We watched it back in high school, and even the teacher turned it off. To be fair, I had never watched her or her show before, but that experience soured her for me.

Lunarend3 Report

Whoopi Goldberg for saying the Holocaust wasn’t about race and downplaying Jews as a race and a discriminated people.

jtdeafkid21 Report

Mark Wahlberg. Dude is a straight up scumbag. He has committed multiple hate crimes, attempted murder, assaults, dealing d***s… list goes on.

The cherry on top of the cake is his comments about 9/11, and how he could have stopped the attacks if he was on one of the aircraft. Get f****d Mark.

MeanMrMustardMan1968 Report


Allison Mack from Smallville. She was a leader in a cult that exploited women and made them sex slaves. Currently in prison.

edwardandthehound Report

Tiger Woods. Cheats on his wife and repeatedly drives under the influence. He got away from his last crash without a warrant for a blood test even though the facts and circumstances clearly show some sort of impairment.

sg1phantom Report

Kevin Hart.

I handled his table at the Casino I worked for, guy was a total d**k. My wife (even before my interaction) says he’s the biggest piece of s**t she ever dealt to. Other service industry employees have told me he’s the worst also.

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