“From A-List to Averted Eyes: The Shocking Downfall of 74 Celebrities No One Can Stand Anymore!”

"From A-List to Averted Eyes: The Shocking Downfall of 74 Celebrities No One Can Stand Anymore!"

Kevin Hart is a grade A a*****e AND a f*****g stiff. I used to like his comedy but after meeting him? F**k him.

DeadlySight Report


Tyra Banks. The ways she exploits and abuses vulnerable contestants for views. Disgusting. It goes deeps. She’s as bad as Wendy in her own way.

anon Report

Chrissy teigen. I’m embarrassed I was so fond of her persona, even bought her cook book.. Related to her struggles with alcohol. Now I just see her as a cringe worthy try hard who needs a never ending amount of validation. Oh and she told a teenager to kill themselves, tried to hide the media storm behind it and when it finally came out THEN gave a stupid public apology. SHE TOLD A TEENAGER WHO WAS BEING GROOMED TO TAKE A DIRT NAP, there’s no public apology for that. Go away and work on yourself. Just..gross.

itsalicianotalicia Report

Elon Musk. I’ve been a huge space fan my whole life and a proponent for electric vehicles and sustainable energy. There is no doubt SpaceX and Telsa have made huge strides in those industries, he should be a no-brainer idol for me, but his recent stance on Covid has really made me conflicted.

No-Edge-8667 Report


Amber Heard, she manipulated the whole media, caused that Johnny got his career DESTROYED while some what innocent, and I never truly respected her even before.

Edit: I did some extra findings and now I basically am disgusted by both. But I hate Amber more still since she abused “feminism” to be still seen as good.

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