“From A-List to Averted Eyes: The Shocking Downfall of 74 Celebrities No One Can Stand Anymore!”

"From A-List to Averted Eyes: The Shocking Downfall of 74 Celebrities No One Can Stand Anymore!"

victorthekin Report

Chad Michael Murray

I waited in line for a Nintendo Wii the day they came out. It was outside of a Best Buy. Some people camped out. I got there before sunrise, but not crazy early. It was a fun environment. Once the staff got there, they told everyone how the sale would work, got everyone excited, and I think handed out some stuff.

About 20 minutes before the store opened, Chad Michael Murray pulled up in a black SUV, right to the front of the line. Like, literally parked his car in the fire lane right at the front of the line, and got out. It was summer and he was wearing a leather jacket. He was clearly expecting people to be excited to see him. I was close enough to the front to hear him. He went up to the employee who was coordinating everything, and said he was here for his Nintendo. The guy was nice, and basically said what he would to anyone – great! you’re in the right place. Get in line. CMM says that he was told there would be one saved for him. The guy didn’t know what he was talking about. After a little back and forth and another employee getting involved, he walks away with his Nintendo. He clearly thought everyone would cheer for him as he walked away. But, they ran out of Nintendos that day. Some kid went home empty handed. I still get furious thinking about it.

F**k CMM.

TouchToLose Report


Lizzo, after she started sexually harassing Chris Evans. Talking about her sexually explicit fantasies about him during an interview was just uncomfortable. If he’d made the comments about her that she made about him, he’d be cancelled immediately.

Then she ran into Chris Brown backstage somewhere and was filmed fangirling over him and called him her favourite person. Yeah, the same Chris Brown who nearly killed Rihanna, whose other ex has a restraining order against him, who has continuously proven since the Rihanna incident that he’s a violent piece of s**t and a danger to women…that’s your favourite person?

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