“From Airline Fame to Lingerie Fortune: How a Fired Flight Attendant is Banking on GoFundMe After Twerking Controversy!”

"From Airline Fame to Lingerie Fortune: How a Fired Flight Attendant is Banking on GoFundMe After Twerking Controversy!"

The woman was using the money from her job in aviation to fund two side projects: a lingerie shop and a dessert business

@_jvnelle415 Ghetto bih till i D-I-E, dont let the uniform fool you. #fyp #flightattendantlife @TruCarr ♬ snowfall – Øneheart & reidenshi

Diala went on to accuse the airline of discrimination, stating that the company did not offer her a chance to explain her side of the story or defend herself and painting her firing as a case ofwrongful termination.”

“I loved my job,she said, explaining how obtaining it was a shining light in an otherwise dark moment in her life, having relationship troubles and dealing with the death of her two English bulldogs.

Image credits: gofundme.com

“Meeting new people, seeing the world, and creating a safe, welcoming environment for passengers. It wasn’t always easy, but I was proud of what I did,she added.

The position also allowed Diala to fund two side ventures, a lingerie shop and a dessert business she was interested in growing.

Despite the almost unilateral backlash and the tepid response her fundraiser received, Diala still has hopes to have a career in aviation. For now, she will focus on her two projects while seeking support from those who believe she deserves another chance.

The Association of Flight Attendants warned workers against posting content on social media that could lead to disciplinary action by their employers


Image credits: alphanelle

Alaska Airlines, like many others, adheres to the behavioral guidelines put forward by the Association of Flight Attendants (AFA) on April 28, 2015.

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