“From Awkward Slips to Epic Fails: Unforgettable Tales of Embarrassment That Will Leave You Cringing!”

"From Awkward Slips to Epic Fails: Unforgettable Tales of Embarrassment That Will Leave You Cringing!"

He hands her the receipt, she doesn’t take it. He places it on the till

“Y….y..you don’t have to do anything with it….it’s…it’s just there BYE” And rushes out the store, within a nanosecond he returns with the pen “OH and your pen….S…sorry”. As he darts out again. For some reason I’m next in the queue I shrug confused at the girl and go on my way.

He never did get a call.

Not even my story but second hand cringe does still indeed hurt.

EyUpItsDan Report

Interview at toy’s r us, we were all handed a random toy to try and sell, I was given a box of lions.

My turn came up and was expected, complete brain fart.

I spend ten minutes trying to sell a box of 4 plastic lions to a group of 20 somethings and for some reason, unbeknown to me, my mind spat out “Sunday toys”, and I hooked on to that word as its all I had, so I spent ten minutes of pure terror and confusion highlighting the benefits of 4 plastic lions whole saying “Sunday toys” way to many times.

This 18 year old man, sweating, pale, stood up in a small room clutching this small cardboard box of plastic lions, while mumbling something about education and loudly stating “Sunday toys” every few moments was met with the eyes of people who also had no idea what “Sunday toys” were and were wondering what childhood I had to only be allowed toys on a Sunday.

Didn’t get the job, not because of Sunday toys, but because they asked would I work overtime for free, I said no, interview ended there.

Proceeded to get a job doing door to door sales.

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