“From Awkward Slips to Epic Fails: Unforgettable Tales of Embarrassment That Will Leave You Cringing!”

"From Awkward Slips to Epic Fails: Unforgettable Tales of Embarrassment That Will Leave You Cringing!"

Never heard from her again.

JoeyJoeC Report

I used to work in Virgin Megastore when I was a teenager.

A girl came in to buy a DVD… it was an 18 and she was very short. I asked if she had ID… she got angry and said that she was in her 20’s.

“Sorry, I can’t serve you without ID”

I looked at the woman she was with and said “your mum can buy it for you though”.

It was her girlfriend!

0nce-Was-N0t Report

When I was at University there was a blind student whose lectures were in the same building as mine. He had a guide dog – a Golden Retriever – and being young I decided to speak to him – you know, prove I considered him as just another student, I wasn’t ableist, etc etc.

And what was the first thing that fell out of my mouth when I opened it?

“Isn’t your dog a lovely colour?”

To his eternal credit, he grinned and replied, “So they tell me.”.

batty_61 Report

I sent a girl I really fancied a full bunch of roses for (I imagine) Valentines Day, in hindsight going from casual Hi in the corridor to full on bunch of roses was skipping a few too many steps. I think i got a thanks and then we never mentioned it again. I was such a goon.

IcarusSupreme Report

I accidentally said “I love you, bye” instead of “okay bye” to my tutor lmao, idk how it happened I was trying to say okay bye and it just sounded like I love you help.

anon Report

Got a haircut from a drop-dead gorgeous brunette. She was tall, statuesque and was very friendly. Decided to try and chat her up when she wasn’t working on my hair, so dropped into the salon one day and asked for her. She came out from where she was, looking entirely frazzled and out of sorts. Tried asking her out and got brutally denied. I took the L and slunk out of there like the loser I was.

SpongeJake Report

I went to a stage do as kinda a plus one.

My mate worked with the groom and someone had dropped out so there was a spare ticket. It was a big group maybe 15/20 of us. I had a good time.

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