“From Awkward Slips to Epic Fails: Unforgettable Tales of Embarrassment That Will Leave You Cringing!”
Even though I barely spoke to the groom I got an evening invite to the wedding. Turned up to the wedding and sat on the table with some of the lads from the stag do. Asking each other if they were day guests or just evening guests.
Anyway turned round and asked some turns out they were the groom. Felt mortified.
Gosh, my old manager and I got on fairly well. We would go for drinks every Friday etc.
The new head boss asked me to go through some reports, which I did. Everything was wrong, it was for procurement so had to be 100% on money.
My role was a standalone role so my manager didn’t have anything to do with me other than holiday requests and reviews.
My manager went ape s**t at me. I told her that she used the wrong (simple) equation. Which fuelled the fire.
It doesn’t sound that cringey but I then learnt not to be friends with people you work with.
I once packed up an enormous load of filming equipment for a student to borrow from our loan counter. He happened to be living with cancer at this time, just recently back from a few months off for serious amounts of chemotherapy. His mum was picking him up in an old Ford fiesta and this kid has packed broadcast cameras, lighting and a micro crane for his short film. I asked if he was sure he wanted to take all of it knowing his mum would need to cram it into a tiny car? “Ok then mate… it’s your funeral.”
I wished the earth would have swallowed me while at that point. Great kid though, he just made a dark joke and laughed.