“From Awkward Slips to Epic Fails: Unforgettable Tales of Embarrassment That Will Leave You Cringing!”

"From Awkward Slips to Epic Fails: Unforgettable Tales of Embarrassment That Will Leave You Cringing!"

I emerged in my towel, and the ladies at the spa burst out laughing and started pointing at my head. They started typing something on Google Translate to inform me that the “shower cap” was actually a pair of paper knickers. I felt like such a tit, and burst out laughing with them.

Visible_Compote9193 , Nothing Ahead Report


50 Embarrassing And Cringey Moments People Wish They Could Forget In 1993 or 94 I went to my then girlfriend’s 21st birthday party in beige baggy suit trousers, white grandad shirt, and a matching beige waistcoat. I looked like an absolute twat.

New-Suspect-8842 , cottonbro studio Report

50 Embarrassing And Cringey Moments People Wish They Could Forget In year 8 or 9 I didn’t want to do sports day at school so I pretended to faint, right on the field infront of the whole school while the teachers carried me inside.

Andromeda98_ , note thanun Report

50 Embarrassing And Cringey Moments People Wish They Could Forget I was working on a huge building site as an apprentice. I often had to take drawings to the site office of another company who were sharing the job with the company who I worked for.

I always took the opportunity to ‘chat up’ their hot admin girl and had boasted to others on the site that she was flirting with me.

One day near the end of Summer I went round there, and she said “I guess I won’t be seeing you after this week eh”

I looked confused and asked why, and she said “because the school holidays are finishing and you’ll be going back to school”

She thought I was a schoolboy helping my dad out over the Summer.

Fudball1 , Helena Lopes Report


50 Embarrassing And Cringey Moments People Wish They Could Forget I was working long hours building a studio set. I ended up staying in a nearby Travelodge, paid for by work. The next day, in front of the carpenters and warehouse guys and all assembled people I said to the boss “Thank you for last night. And this morning.”.

Punctum-tsk , Jonny Gios Report

50 Embarrassing And Cringey Moments People Wish They Could Forget Hadn’t long started my first job as an IT apprentice. I was a really shy, quiet teenager who barely spoke, let alone cracked jokes or did “banter”.

One day my boss asked if I had finished doing something. I thought it would be funny to reply with a Simpsons quote – “As long as there are absolutely no followup questions, yes, yes I have”.

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