“From Awkward Slips to Epic Fails: Unforgettable Tales of Embarrassment That Will Leave You Cringing!”

"From Awkward Slips to Epic Fails: Unforgettable Tales of Embarrassment That Will Leave You Cringing!"

But I f****d it up and actually said “As long as you don’t ask me again, yes”.

Boss had a real short fuse but somehow managed to keep from exploding at me, although I could tell he wanted to as he went bright red.

He just stood there for a second before silently walking off as I hoped a hole would open up in the floor.

Oh just thought of another one – was chatting to the old lady next door about a cat that kept trying to get into people’s houses. I meant to say “I wouldn’t mind it coming in but I’m allergic to cat hair and get a really bad reaction”, but stumbled over my words and said “really bad erection”…

anon , Andrea Piacquadio Report



50 Embarrassing And Cringey Moments People Wish They Could Forget I was standing at my back fence smoking a joint, and the Amazon deliverer came up to me and asked “are you 13?” Me, a bit stoned and waiting for parts for a vape, assumed she was asking my age to verify if I was over 18 and take the package. I looked at her like she was stupid and said “yeah of course, I’m 28 years old!”

She says “…I mean, is your house number 13?”

Not the worst in the world, but I felt so stupid after 😭.

Mr_Sedgewick , Getty Images Report

50 Embarrassing And Cringey Moments People Wish They Could Forget I went to my work Christmas Party in black skinny jeans and a flannel shirt, literally all of the other 100+ guys there were in suit and tie.

How-Football-Works , Jeffrey Reed Report

50 Embarrassing And Cringey Moments People Wish They Could Forget A friend of mine (who was a bit of a metal fan and had shoulder length hair) really fancied a girl and she said something about not liking long hair on men, so he cut off his hair that night with scissors and gave her a carrier bag full of hair in school the next day, as an overblown romantic gesture.

She was pretty freaked out and it didn’t work, obviously.

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