“From Awkward Slips to Epic Fails: Unforgettable Tales of Embarrassment That Will Leave You Cringing!”

"From Awkward Slips to Epic Fails: Unforgettable Tales of Embarrassment That Will Leave You Cringing!"

Ecstatic_Effective42 , Ahmet Kurt Report

50 Embarrassing And Cringey Moments People Wish They Could Forget Sat in the sixth form centre having a conversation in a group of around 10 or so.
I can’t remember what the guy said to me, due to the sheer embarrassment of what happened next, but whatever he said, I replied with the classic teenager line of ‘Your Mum’.

Instantly remembered his mum died in an accident.

In my panic I apologise and say ‘oh Your Dad’.

Instantly remembered his dad died in the same accident.

Cue me wanting the earth to swallow me whole.

EntertainmentIll9030 , Kampus Production Report

50 Embarrassing And Cringey Moments People Wish They Could Forget At work in the smoking room when I was younger, talk turned to rising house prices, I said how will I afford a house. Someone replied your parents might leave you theirs, as a (bad taste) joke I asked if anyone knew a hitman. Later that day I was asked did I not know about my colleague (who was in smoking room), I said no why? He had been convicted of shooting 2 people dead. Good times. FML.

cpr8768 , Binyamin Mellish Report

See Also on Bored Panda

50 Embarrassing And Cringey Moments People Wish They Could Forget Kicked my shoe off on a bus, which sped 3 seats away. Had to get up with 1 shoe on, tap the person on the shoulder who was sitting in the seat my shoe landed under and ask them to get up so I could retrieve it!!

Angel777Angel , Longxiang Qian Report

50 Embarrassing And Cringey Moments People Wish They Could Forget *Sigh* sadly this was not long ago. I was trying to say to my senior colleague “Well blow me down” And mid-mouth movement thought, no, GCP. Better to say, you could knock me over with a feather. What I actually said. To essentially my boss, was: *Blow me, FeatherKnocker.*

My husband says this to me regularly now.

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