“From Awkward Slips to Epic Fails: Unforgettable Tales of Embarrassment That Will Leave You Cringing!”

"From Awkward Slips to Epic Fails: Unforgettable Tales of Embarrassment That Will Leave You Cringing!"

She replies “maybe a coffee, il let you know when I’m free”. 12 months later nothing. I guess shyness is not attractive…. who knew? lol

And she still stares at me!

flashbastrd Report

50 Embarrassing And Cringey Moments People Wish They Could Forget We had an absolute stunner of a girl in college. Probably one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever known. Super intelligent and as friendly as you can imagine. We always had a good chat in school despite the fact she knew I was very shy. Over time at college parties she got increasingly flirty with me. I was WAAAYYYY out of her league but without fail at parties I would often end up dancing with her. The weekend before we all went off to uni most of the 6th form we were out drinking and I was sitting down the side of the pub in the quiet area to cool off. Next thing I know she plops herself down next to me and we end up talking for an hour about uni and how much we’d miss our chats etc etc.

Drunk me decided to say this….

“Can I just say, you have the nicest pair of [breasts] in the world”

She promptly thanked me, got up and said bye and I never saw her again. At the time I didn’t think anything about it but woke up in the morning remembering all of it and basically curled up into a ball and screamed.

To this day I’ll never know if I had a shot, probably not, but certainly not after that.

InevitableCarrot4858 , cottonbro studio Report

First ever gf…met at a holiday park in Devon when I was 16, she was playing air hockey with her mum in the arcade, how the hell did I start chatting her up in front of her mum, no idea…we were together 4 months and still friends today

Other one people say is cringy in todays world but back then everyone thought it was really sweet. On the bus home, heard this girl behind me giggling so turned around and she had the most beautiful smile ever. I was too scared to say anything. I got home wrote a letter and hoped to see her again but never did for 2months…then she was on the bus again but with loads of people, didn’t do anything again. Then she was in the local paper for some charity thing…last name, looked it up in the phone, only a few names and one right by where she gets off the bus…so rewrote the letter and sent it…she called me that day (back in 98 so no mobile) and didn’t remember me…wanted a photo so popped it over on the way to college…didn’t expect to hear from her but she called that night, 4hrs on the phone and met that weekend. Was together two years.

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