“From Court to Career: Discover the Surprising New Paths These Retired NBA Stars Are Taking!”

"From Court to Career: Discover the Surprising New Paths These Retired NBA Stars Are Taking!"

Dennis Rodman – Political Ambassador



dennis rodman retired NBA career


Dennis Rodman has never stayed out of the public eye. The NBA icon with a boisterous personality to match loves attention. So far, he has avoided a 9-5 job, but his post NBA career is too strange to not include here.


After retiring, Rodman got into professional wrestling. Once he couldn’t do that anymore, he became a political ambassador, making his first trip to North Korea in 2013. When he came home, he called Kim Jong Un a “friend for life.” He made a return trip to North Korea in 2017.


Latrell Sprewell – Pitchman



latrell sprewell


Latrell Sprewell has always been a controversial name. Considered a superstar when he played, he marred his career by violently attacking Warriors head coach P.J. Carlesimo in 1997. After retiring in 2005, karma struck back. Sprewell was forced to foreclose his multi-million dollar houses and crashed his yacht.


All the drama led Sprewell to his new job, being a pitchman for Priceline. As part of his pitch to use the service, Sprewell admits to making bad life decisions. Hopefully he has actually learned his lesson.


Wilt Chamberlain – Everything



wilt chamberlain


Wilt Chamberlain retired from the NBA in 1973. At the time, he was the greatest to ever lace up on the court. After he retired, Chamberlain dipped his toes into every job pool possible, trying to find out what was right for him.

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