“From Dream Job to Nightmare: The Shocking Consequences of Resume Deception Revealed!”
Just don’t lie about something you can’t be, like when Rachel Dolezal lied about being black and became president of Spokane’s NAACP.
You Even Lied About Your Foundational Skills
Lying about something is fine if your job is something that you can’t possibly mess up. But lying about your bricklaying skills and then being asked to do the foundation of a building is a lawsuit waiting to happen.
The only thing these bricks are holding up is the confidence of the lying employee.
At Least They’re The Most Confident Movers
This is what happens when you let your brother and his friends help you move. They may not be the most truthful, but you have to respect how much they trust their shrink wrap.
Hopefully, they’re not traveling over any dirt roads or speed bumps because that looks like a disaster waiting to happen.
Ready For Snout-To-Snout Combat
Of all the dogs to be recruited into a special forces unit, a dachshund is probably the worst possible choice. They aren’t intimidating, they’re not that fast, and their arms aren’t even long enough to hold a weapon.
On the bright side, they’re super cute and apparently great liars.
Not The Pilot I Need, But The Pilot I Want
This Shephard would have been perfect for a special forces unit, yet he somehow found his way into co-piloting an emergency helicopter.