“From Employee to Employer’s Nightmare: How One Fired Worker Set Off a Chain Reaction of Chaos and Bankruptcy”
It turns out college wasn’t the only place she learned something that benefited her career
Image credits: cottonbro studio / pexels (not the actual photo)
“The biggest lesson I learned is never to do things with the expectation of someone being grateful or appreciative. Don’t expect a thank you,” she said of the experience. The employee added that she now approaches work differently.
“Everything I do at work that is above and beyond the basics should be something that I want to do for me, and not something that I think I should do because they’ll appreciate it,” she told Bored Panda. “A lot of what I did when I worked there was thinking ‘if I get this equipment, we can do this, and they’ll appreciate that’. It’s a people pleasing mentality that I’ve been trying to shake.”
She said many people didn’t understand why she’d let things get that far. “The fact is that I was really young and it was my first job in my dream field. I loved that job,” she reiterated. “Overall I think people appreciated my little story. It’s been years since it happened, so I didn’t mind the comments. If it was fresh, I’m sure that seeing the comments would have been an entirely different story.”
The woman didn’t hold back when asked what she’d say to her former boss if given the chance
Image credits: Jonathan Borba / pexels (not the actual photo)
“If I could share a message with my former boss, I’d probably start with a big F**k You!” she said boldly. “I know I needed the reality check to realize how terrible I was being treated.” The former employee revealed that there had been serious trouble brewing long before she was let go. And in retrospect she now realizes just how “toxic” the environment was.