“From Haunted Dolls to Half-Eaten Celebrity Meals: Discover the Wildest Auctions You Won’t Believe Existed!”
The winner would earn the right to have their logo (temporarily) tattooed on his forehead. The winning bid? $37,375 from a sleep apnea company called SnoreStop.
A Casey Anthony Halloween Mask
At the height of the drama around the Casey Anthony murder trial, some smarty pants online decided to make a latex mask of her face and sell it. It would be the perfect Halloween costume!
The mask sold for a whopping $999,900 and has gone down as the “creepiest mask on the planet.”
A Ghost In A Jar
If you believe in paranormal activity then eBay is the place for you. One seller, someone named Teajay101, claimed that the jar they were selling online had a demonic ghost trapped inside.
They even went so far as to claim that they would “not be held responsible” if it escaped the jar. The “ghost” sold for $55,000 but the bidder never paid up.
A Haunted Rubber Duck
I guess you can put anything on eBay and claim it has paranormal powers because someone actually bought a “haunted” rubber duck for $107.50.
The seller said it has the power to possess children, but that they were not responsible for the duck whatsoever after it was shipped out.
A Cornflake Shaped Like Illinois
If you ever needed proof that anything can be sold on eBay, look no further than this Illinois cornflake. A 15-year-old found the flake in her bowl and had the foresight to save it.