“From Haunted Dolls to Half-Eaten Celebrity Meals: Discover the Wildest Auctions You Won’t Believe Existed!”
All I’m saying is if you can afford to pay that much for lunch, you probably don’t need his money advice.
A Cheating Wife
Yet another ridiculous eBay auction item that is so outrageous, it’s hilarious. In 2008, a British man named Paul Osborn decided to auction off his wife Sharon on eBay. He claimed she had been unfaithful and had an affair with a coworker.
I guess that’s one way to tell someone you want a divorce.
Sending Your Cremated Ashes Into Space
There are now numerous ways to send your cremated ashes into space, but the field was slimmer back in 2013 when an anonymous Russian sold the option online.
You could pay to have the seller’s relative take your urn up to the International Space Station and send it out into orbit through the waste gateway.