“From Heartbreak to Courtroom Triumph: How a Woman Faced Her Ex-Father-in-Law to Showcase Her Unexpected Success”
Telling someone they “don’t have what it takes” to get a certain degree is pretty nasty
Image credits: Yunus Tuğ / Unsplash (not the actual photo)
Which is why one woman decided to get an engineering degree just to get back at her FIL
Image credits: MedicAlert UK / Unsplash (not the actual photo)
Image credits: Albert Vincent Wu / Unsplash (not the actual photo)
Image credits: Getty Images / Unsplash (not the actual photo)
Image credits: PeaceLoveSmithWesson
Some men truly believe that only they can do whatever hobby or job they’ve chosen
There’s an unspoken rule in the world of professional men: whatever they do is the hardest, most intellectually demanding, and most important job in existence. Whether they’re in finance, engineering, or some obscure field like “logistics optimization,” they will absolutely let you know why their work is the backbone of civilization. Not only that, it’s basically impossible for any “normal” person to even understand what they are doing.
But when it comes to nursing, one of the most critical, grueling, and skill-intensive professions, some of these same guys suddenly act like it’s just advanced babysitting. Unfortunately, many men are raised to believe that their value is tied to technical or financial prowess. Engineering makes things. Finance moves money. Programming creates software. These are “big, important” contributions to society, so surely, a job that involves helping people rather than building things must be easier, right? (Spoiler: No.)
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