“From Hollywood Glamour to Divine Calling: The Shocking Journey of a Fallen Star on the Road to Sainthood”

"From Hollywood Glamour to Divine Calling: The Shocking Journey of a Fallen Star on the Road to Sainthood"

The ceremony marks the final stage of a long process that began in 2020, when The Irish Catholic reported some of her followers in her hometown of Derry, Northern Ireland, calling for her to become a saint.

A nun who abandoned a life of excess as an actress is now being considered for sainthood—nine years after her passing

Image credits: Brian Lawless/Getty Images

Clare Crockett was born in Derry in November 1982. She’s been described as an energetic child who was passionate about literature and theatre and enjoyed making her classmates laugh.

Her talents led her to enroll at an acting agency when she was 14 years old, and she landed her first gig just one year later. She went on to work as a TV presenter for Great Britain’s Channel 4 and was so good at it that Nickelodeon offered her a position, but she turned it down.


Image credits: Home of the Mother

Years later, she landed a part in the film Sunday, which aired in 2002—a television drama that reenacted the events of January 30, 1972, when British soldiers violently repressed a manifestation by shooting 26 unarmed civilians.

By that point, Crockett already had her first “religious experience” while visiting Spain in 2000, feeling called to lead a religious life, and her part in the movie broke her in half.

Image credits: Sister Clare and Companions

As her own website explains, “When she went back to Ireland, she participated as a secondary actress in a film. She got caught up again in the whirlwind of superficiality and sin that the world of cinema offered her.”

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