“From Hollywood Glamour to Divine Calling: The Shocking Journey of a Fallen Star on the Road to Sainthood”

"From Hollywood Glamour to Divine Calling: The Shocking Journey of a Fallen Star on the Road to Sainthood"

Before becoming a nun, Crockett admitted to drinking and using drugs but left it all behind to travel the world helping children


Image credits: HM Television (English)

Seeking answers, she traveled to Rome, Italy for World Youth Day in August of that same year, where a priest told her surprising details about her childhood.

Only one year later, in the summer of 2001, Crockett chose to enlist in the convent of the Servant Sisters of the Home of the Mother, and she took the name Sister Clare Maria of the Trinity and the Heart of Mary.

Image credits: Sister Clare and Companions

“I lived very badly; I lived in mortal sin. I drank a lot, I smoked a lot, and I began to smoke drugs. I continued with my friends, with my boyfriend. I continued in the same way,” Claire said before becoming a nun. 

“I didn’t have the strength to break with all these things because I didn’t ask the Lord to help me.”

Image credits: Sister Clare and Companions


Her new life took her to many corners of the world, including Spain, the United States, and Ecuador. She helped hospitals, taught music at schools in vulnerable communities, and worked as a missionary.

Sister Claire reportedly started performing miracles posthumously after followers began praying for her intercession at her grave

Image credits: Sister Clare and Companions

ADVERTISEMENTCrockett’s tragic passing occurred while she was playing the guitar and singing with her religious companions in Ecuador on April 16, 2016. 

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