“From Hollywood Glamour to Divine Calling: The Shocking Journey of a Fallen Star on the Road to Sainthood”

"From Hollywood Glamour to Divine Calling: The Shocking Journey of a Fallen Star on the Road to Sainthood"

According to her biography, Sister Claire knew something was about to happen that day and told her aspirants: “Why should I be afraid of death if I’m going to go with the One I have longed to be with my whole life?”

The country was hit by a massive 7.8 earthquake that caused the house she was staying in to collapse, killing everyone inside. Her body was found lifeless under the rubble hours later and flown back to her hometown of Derry.


Image credits: Sister Clare and Companions

The news of her passing was a heavy hit for her community, which had grown to admire and idolize Crockett for the love she’d shown for years, using her talents to soothe the spirits of children around the world.

Her followers started visiting her grave in the City Cemetery on Lone Moor Road, and many reported healings and fertility miracles after they prayed for her intercession. In January 2021, her order started taking the first steps toward her beautification.

In 2024, the Catholic Church declared Sister Clare Crockett to be a Servant of God, a title that officially recognizes that a religious figure is on the path to becoming a saint.

While most netizens were happy to hear about Sister Clare potentially becoming a saint, others wondered what miracles allowed her to be considered as such

Image credits: Home of the Mother

“Exactly what miracles are associated with her that have propelled her toward canonization into sainthood?” one reader asked.

According to her biography and other sources, Sister Clare’s intercession is said to have helped several couples struggling with fertility, who were then able to conceive after praying to the nun.

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