“From Marvels to Mediocrity: The Shocking Decline of 40 Iconic Inventions You Thought You Knew!”

"From Marvels to Mediocrity: The Shocking Decline of 40 Iconic Inventions You Thought You Knew!"


We had knobs and buttons on car radios and car ventilation controls. A driver could make adjustments just by touch and not take their eyes of the road. Nowadays, all buttons feel the same or we have touch screens and a driver has to look at them.

Image credits: Coenberht


I think social media was an invention that made the world an inferior place.

Image credits: mannomanniwish


Websites. Early websites were clean, loaded quickly, didn’t have tracking cookies or cookie pop-ups and focused on telling you what you wanted to know without a ton of extraneous low-value images.

Image credits: Legal_Broccoli200


Things used to be made of wood, metal and glass. Now everything is made of plastic which doesn’t biodegrade, is made from oil and is weakened by UV light.

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Led headlights. The older halogens were just fine and better for everyone.

Image credits: zillapz1989


Kitchen white goods such as washing machines etc. My mum’s washing machine she bought in 1980 lasted her nearly 20 years. Modern ones don’t seem to last more than 5-6 years.

Image credits: Agreeable_Guard_7229


Google and by extention the internet generally.

Google used to give you a truly diverse set of results whenever you searched something. Now it gives you a few curated results which all say the same thing.

Image credits: anon


Mobile phones. The worst thing to ever happen as a supposed ‘technological advance’ was removing the earphone socket in mobile phones. Now, I have to rely on wireless earphones that always fall out, and the possibility that my phone might lose connection and start blasting music out loud.

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