“From Nut-Free to Gluten-Phobic: Why One Teen Refused to Cater to His Brother’s Girlfriend’s Ever-Changing Allergies”
The girlfriend’s little food tantrums are bizarre and ridiculous
Her next outburst would be a lot more tragic if it was real. Garlic allergy is very real and is a truly sad state of affairs, since garlic is a pretty important component of many, many delicious items. However, it seems unlikely that she has this debilitating problem if she was just eating garlic knots hours ago.
This all leads us to the question of why would she act like this. Having someone cook for you is truly a luxury, so disrespecting someone who is literally feeding you has to have some motivation behind it. Some folks really don’t care that much about their food, but at the very least you should be polite if someone has taken the effort.
Perhaps she is a picky eater, which isn’t unforgivable, but is the sort of trait one might get judged for. However, being “judged” for having an allergy is very different, so perhaps she is just reframing things to suit herself. There is a chance she is just lying, either intentionally or just via some deeply held delusion. The Guardian reports that there are roughly twice as many adults who claim to have food allergies then there are people who legitimately can’t eat something. An intolerance isn’t the same as an allergy for example.
That being said, regardless of the situation, this woman suddenly developing blindness after being called out would be downright comical if it wasn’t so annoying for the man who just spent his time cooking. Indeed, his reaction is positively rational, he will simply not cook for her because he “clearly” can’t keep track of her allergies.