“From Obscurity to Stardom: Meet 40 Everyday People Who Turned Their Brief Fame into Lasting Legacies!”
My first thought was Octomom though. Literally famous for being pregnant and made her entire income for decades off that.
The “Honey Boo Boo” kid and her family.
Ashton Kutcher parlayed a “dumb guy” supporting role on a modest hit sitcom into being a billionaire.
Michael buffer , “Lets get ready to rumble”.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck went from Survivor to co-hosting The View for years.
The actress Kathy Najimy, known for the Sister Act movies and voicing Peggy on King of the Hill got her start on The Price is Right as a contestant. Producers spotted her effervescent personality and the rest is history.
Rovio, with Angry Birds. The game was ridiculously popular in 2011 during the early days of mobile gaming, and they spun that into an entire franchise which was (briefly) enormously popular and profitable.
For the UK – Gemma Collins. Literally zero skills, capacity to think or worthwhile for the world.
Ironically, Andy Warhol.